Old man winter is back, but his days are numbered! March and daylight saving time is soon on the horizon. The early spring capnias & nemouras(spring stones) are going to start popping soon, and when they do, the fish are definitely going to notice. On the right day, midges have been hatching and accumulating in back eddies. Every now and then you'll see a trout sip. It won't be long until the infamous skwala shows up. Now is the time to get those spring flies tied up! Bullethead skwalas, water walkers, San Juan worms, renegades, rubberlegs, PTs, and March Brown/drake nymphs are the name of the game for the root in the spring. Drab, low profile, stimi-style patterns #14-18 work great for the spring stones. The pattern below is a favorite. Stay tuned folks, it won't be long now.

Bitterroot Flow@Bell Crossing

Bitterroot Flows@MSO