The Clark Fork has been fishing very well from top to bottom. They're still taking larger bugs (hoppers, mahoganies, hecuba) on the surface, but are definitely interested in miniature mayflies (pseudos, tricos, BWOs)  when the time calls for it. For dries, use rusty spinners, midge clusters, tiltwing mahoganies, sprout baetis (button emergers), film critic cripples, brindle chutes, October caddis, and pink hoppers. For nymphs, use TJ hookers, perdigons, purple princes, jig quill nymphs, big green machines, caddis pupae, pheasant tails, and blowtorch jigs. Streamer fishing has been especially noteworthy on the upper reaches. Big Horn buggers, dirty hippies, barely legals, and mini gongas worked well for us.


HATCHES: BWOs, mahogany duns, October caddis, fall drakes

Other Info: The Kingfisher is the largest dealer of Simms Fishing Products in the Rocky Mountains.

A Review of the Winston Fly Rod

For more info on the Winston Nexus Fly Rod