Rock Creek continues to drop and the salmonflies will keep moving up the creek daily. Drakes, yellow sallies, PMD's, and goldens are coming in hot. In select areas, yellow sallies & PMDs have already been spotted. If your floating, call for current float conditions. Seriously, the creek can turn into a rodeo real quick, if your not prepared.

If you head out on foot, search for side channels and walking pace water. A salmonfly with a green drake, PMD nymph, or a yellow sally dropper has been the ticket. Ideally, you can chop the dropper in the afternoon when the hatch is on. Just depends on the day. Keep them tight to the banks. If your absolutely stumped, throw on a yellow streamer and hang on! Deep cleaners, zirdles, slum lords, TJ hookers, and Pat's in any size or color will keep you bent if all else fails. Have a good weekend!

HATCHES: baetis, spring drakes, salmonflies,